After playing around with the exposure and brightness of the clips, we have compiled a rough cut of the film:
Final production rough cut from Sam SheepDawg-OEight on Vimeo.
The cut has no sound consideration and I think that this means it drags on a bit and once the music and sound effects are put in, the piece will flow better.
There are several things that people have pointed out to us that we haven't considered throughout the process. The first being the detective's accent, which does not fit with the rest of the voices or the mise-en-scene of the video at all. He's putting on a strong american accent whereas the others are using British accents. This means we will have to dub over this track if we want to resolve it. The issue is a setback but isn't too much of a hassle to fix or to keep (as people move countries).
The second thing we missed was the Femme Fatale's costume. Her dress is too short for the time period and she is wearing a bit too much makeup. We aren't interested in the fashion industry in any way so we weren't able to notice this at the time. Her costume is more of a modern take on the Femme Fatale and her costume would be good for a Neo-Noir setting instead of the classic 19050's setting.
this is a good point to amplify the need for establishing REPRESENTATION through MISE-EN-SCENE and using FEEDBACK at earlier stages - offer some more in depth reflective evaluation considering these points