Wednesday, 29 January 2014

First day of filming

Yesterday, we filmed the office scene at Max's house with his dad. We thought the shots went well and the looked perfect but we didn't consider the actors facial expressions and body language s there are slight continuity errors. We think that unless we can find a way of editing it cleverly, we will have to refilm, which isn't a problem as we won't have any hassle rebooking actors or location. This has taught us just how much we need to consider this hen filming the rest of it today. The scene we edited is shown here:

office scene 1 from Sam SheepDawg-OEight on Vimeo.

This has been a valuable lesson and I'm glad we made the mistake with this scene rather than the majority of the film. It does however show that we are good at getting the mise-en-scene and overall noir look right and that is very reassuring. The lighting looks perfect when edited in post and I think this scene will look amazing when refilmed.

1 comment:

  1. good detail and reflective content

    add how you are going to make it better next time what/how will you do it differently
