Monday, 20 January 2014

Actors Scheduling Problems

Our female actress Marie has pulled out of the process, this is because she didn't realise we would need to film in the evening, which is when she works. We have therefore chosen another Actress, Natalie. She has a good showreel and looks the part. This is a setback and now we have to wait until next wednesday. This means that we have to have everything else decided before we film the clips so then I can just put the clips in and the film will be finished. We are filming the parts with Max's dad on sunday.

I think that this may be a potentially more appropriate role and that Natalie looks more like a Femme Fatale and Marie looks like a girl next door than the character we want.
Natalie, Our new Femme Fatale
Marie, our old Femme Fatale

1 comment:

  1. head shots for the two actresses and notes on any potential impact aesthetically

    reference any impact on organisation/production and derection - add more detail
