This is the sweded version of the film TED we created for our media.
Ted swede from Sam SheepDawg-OEight on Vimeo.
This had a lot of issues when it comes to editing. The filming was the easy part, we decided key scenes (though we missed one) and we had achieved everything we wanted to in the filming. The editing was another issue completely. We all got together to work on my laptop and we compiled most of the footage there leaving me with little homework. When we needed to add text and export however, I had huge problems getting the film to work. The end result is a creditless, rather poor quality video.
I think this film shows a lot of strength in filming and in such a short space of time, I think this is a relatively good attempt at this task
The planning is another issue we didn't tackle very well. We had an idea of the key scenes we wanted to film and wanted to do it all in an hour or less so it was a bit rushed. We had no clue how we were going to film any of it in terms of camera angles and shot length which leaves a few of the scenes a bit long and uninteresting. We also missed the end scene which means that the film doesn't make sense entirely.
a fair attempt
you have addressed some of the issues in the text: be more specific when referencing difficulties: why did you have problems getting the film to work
be more specific so detail aesthetic / technical / organisational or functional challenges and what you did to resolve it - SWOT it